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my name is Alexander (Alex) Voss and I am a freelance software engineer and academic working at the intersection of IT, the Social Sciences and Philosophy.

I focus on software engineering somewhat outside the norm in a number of respects. In particular, I work on developing software engineering methods that bring people back into focus, through consideration of their (human) rights, their caring practices, was well as question of sustainability on our planet.


I currently focus on the following two projects:

  • Material for MkDocs makes creasting professional documentation really easy and enables work using a Docs-as-Code approach. I work as a solutions architect on this project.

  • Torshi is a tool I will soon release for integrating formulations into software projects that describe more than just the intended system behavior. It allows people to speciy (human) rights, caring practices and connections between system design and operational policies with the UN sustainability goals. More on this soon.

  1. Current bookable category is Material for MkDocs Enterprise feedback calls